dijous, 14 de febrer del 2008

No FISA Vote? Well. Hillary Lost This White Lady Today. - Six Hours A Week: Adventures of a Sudden Patriot
Today Clinton neglected to vote on the FISA bill and she lost my vote. She offers a Comprehensive Government Reform page on her web site, but won't stand up NOW against vast, illegal spying in our out of control surveillance society. Obama, on the other hand, voted against telecom immunity. I called Clinton's campaign office to let them know this decided it, and then donated to Obama's campaign.

I wish I could telekinetically impress upon MSNBC, CNN and all the rest: I don't care if Hillary cries, or wears a low-cut blouse, or would have stayed home making cookies, or screwed up on health care, gets pummeled by Chris Matthews, or has more experience than Obama. I don't consult my fallopian tubes before I check a ballot. Equality and justice are what matter to me. None of us (black, white, woman, Muslim, Jewish, LGBT) has rights if we don't have Civil Liberties.

Una altra notícia del que jo anomenaria "fer política per internet". És la 14a notícia més votada les últimes 24h a digg. (perquè us en feu una idea, la més votada és aquesta)

[editat] I aquesta seria la política d'internet convertida en notícia periodística:

Obama aumenta su ventaja al ganarse al electorado de Clinton.